Finding the “right” educational path and placement for our kids can stir up a lot of emotions for some families. Where can my child thrive, learn, and be appreciated for who they are? How do I advocate for a placement that ACTUALLY meets my child’s needs? What exactly is a “specialized” private school? Where do IEPs fit into all of this?! With so many options available, and school districts offering a narrow version of those, it can sometimes still feel as if we still don’t have a choice in this. We’re here to tell you that you do.
Undivided’s Placement Issue has you covered. Whether you’re just starting to explore placements from the least restrictive to the continuum of other placements; want to move into a different educational path for your child, such as homeschool or private school; need help discussing something more specialized and tailored to your child’s unique needs (like an NPS) with an IEP team; or more — we’ve gathered the information you need to know.
Is the least restrictive environment a concept that applies individually to each child? Find the answer, and more, in our article Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and Placement Options in an IEP. We explore the myth of individualized LRE and dive into all the educational placements available for your child, including how placement is decided.
If you’re exploring homeschooling as an alternative to enrollment in public school, you’ll quickly come to find that it’s not as simple as following along with the Reading Rainbow series — it takes a lot of work, research, and consideration — particularly when your child has an IEP and requires services. Read all about your homeschooling options, including public charter schools, independent study programs, curriculum, and more in our article Homeschooling 101.
Let’s talk private school placement! Many parents, when considering private school, have questions such as: How do I choose the right school? Who pays for this? Will my child still have an IEP? What if the IEP team doesn’t agree with my decision?!
Private school education is a choice families make for a variety of reasons, but understanding what to expect in terms of special education services is crucial. Read our article Private School 101 to learn more about private school basics — including parentally placing your child in a private school, tuition reimbursement, private school special education services, and more.
Sometimes, a child needs more support than what a general education setting can offer, which can lead parents to consider a non-public school (NPS). In our article Non-Public School (NPS) 101, we navigate every aspect of the NPS, from deciphering eligibility criteria to navigating the IEP process, residential schools, and the strengths (and weaknesses) of an NPS — to help determine whether a non-public school is the right fit for your family.
One Undivided member shares with us, “As a parent, it is impossible to know what resources are available to help support your loved one. Providers typically assume parents know what is available or don’t even know what is available themselves, which is obviously an issue. The solution to this problem is Undivided — they help navigate the complex processes and access to ALL available resources at the touch of a button.”
Office Hours with Lisa Concoff Kronbeck
On Wednesday, April 3, 12:00-1:00 p.m. PDT, Public Benefits Specialist Lisa Concoff Kronbeck will be available for Undivided Office Hours, where she’ll answer questions about funding therapies and medical supplies through Medi-Cal, Regional Center, and more. Bi-weekly Office Hours are virtual Q&A sessions with experts that are open t Undivided members only, so if you’d like to attend, sign up here to begin your free Kickstart!
Event Recap: Undivided in Conversation with Parent & Author Kelley Coleman
On March 11, we sat down with author and advocate Kelley Coleman — who has spent over a decade navigating public benefits, insurance, and education for her child with multiple disabilities — for a live Q&A where she gave us practical tips and advice (and a pep talk!) on how we can advocate to make sure our kids get what they need. In case you missed it or you’re ready for another watch to take notes, find the full recording and read the highlights in our article Be a Better Advocate for Your Child with These 6 Tips from Author Kelley Coleman.
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- Advocate for your child’s best placement and get support for all other aspects of their IEP when you partner with Undivided: a 1:1 Navigator, step-by-step guides, digital binder, Office Hours with experts, and more. Get started→
This newsletter was originally sent to our subscribers on 3/21/24. Subscribe to our newsletter to get more resources like this in your inbox, and check out our full library of articles, templates, and videos at