Gabriela Gangitano
Homeschool Specialist
Hi, I’m Gabriela Gangitano 👋
I have four daughters ages 25, 22, 13, and 10. My 13-year-old has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and anxiety. My 22-year-old is 2E and has been diagnosed with ADHD, Tourette’s syndrome, and anxiety. All of my girls are amazing and resilient people. They have taught me so much about life, and they are my passion.
Previously, I worked as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and pediatrics. I was passionate about integrating evidence-based practices into our departments. My journey shifted when my daughter was diagnosed, leading me into homeschooling and advocacy.
I’ve homeschooled my children for eight years, from kindergarten through high school, including navigating dual enrollment and university applications. Alongside this, I’ve played an active role in local homeschool groups. I manage several homeschooling online groups, exploring homeschooling options for children with disabilities, brainstorming various curriculum options, and supporting families with IEPs. Homeschooling has been transformative for our family, and I am passionate about helping other parents succeed on their path. I am excited to continue to support families with Undivided.