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- Get step-by-step guidance to accomplish major goals like applying for public benefits or preparing for an IEP meeting.
- Organize your documents and track everything in a dedicated goal workspace.
- Access members-only office hours with specialists in insurance, public benefits, and special education

California families rely on Undivided for life-changing outcomes
Average annual benefits and support we unlock per family
Undivided families who apply for Regional Center, Medi-Cal, and IHSS get their desired service.
“Undivided helped me get a significant increase in IHSS hours, equating to about $2,500 per month for my son’s needs.”
—Jen I.
Get back time and emotional bandwidth
87% of parents say Undivided helped them access support faster, and 74% feel less overwhelmed.
“My experience with Undivided has been life-changing. Before I found this incredible community, I often felt isolated and overwhelmed. Undivided provided invaluable resources and a supportive network of people who truly understand.”
— Kara V.