3 reasons families raising kids with disabilities and learning differences deserve support
50% of families have at least one parent leave the workforce
Navigating benefits, services, insurance, and more is a huge job, and even when one parent leaves the workforce, it’s a difficult job to tackle alone.
You do at least 12 hours more parenting
As we all know, more hours don’t appear out of nowhere. If you’re spending more hours parenting, you need help with navigating services and benefits
80% of parents show biomarkers of PTSD
There is no shame in the reality that caregiver stress has a real impact on your physical and mental health; you need and deserve support.
Ensure you know what to do for your child, how to do it, and who can help you
We leverage a wealth of personal and professional expertise to help parents move from a place of overwhelm to one of action. Here’s how:

Our editorial and research teams develop step-by-step guides, resources, and checklists in tandem with interdisciplinary experts, and continually update materials to ensure accuracy.

Our Navigators are parents who leverage their own personal experience, as well as insights from working with thousands of other families navigating similar paths to care for their children.

Our Navigators are supported by a team of researchers, advocacy experts, and public benefits specialists who all thrive on finding solutions and opportunities for Undivided families.
Knowing that I have someone available to bounce my questions off of and to get feedback and ideas from instead of relying on Google and random forums saves me so much time and frustration.”
Meet Beth, one of our amazing Navigators
It’s hard to overstate the importance of having a partner with a wealth of knowledge and experience to turn to. Hear it from one of our members.

Your personalized roadmap is just one step away.
Our Navigators help families build a personalized roadmap to ensure that you know what to do for your child and when and how to take action. Also amazing? Your roadmap includes your specific goals, required documents and notes, and step-by-step guides and resources in a secure digital binder so that you’ll become the organizational powerhouse you never imagined possible.
Connect with your Navigator, someone who gets it
When searching for answers to complex situations, you likely know how frustrating and time consuming it is to make dozens of calls, talk to dozens more parents, and go down a Google rabbit hole only to come up empty handed or more confused than when you started.
Our Navigators are the people who will help you make one call instead of 50. They have the lived experience of advocating for services for their own children. They have helped hundreds of families design customized roadmaps, achieve goals, and feel supported at every turn. And they have access to the collective wisdom of a team of experts who thrive on securing the benefits and services your child needs and deserves, and the compassion needed to bring calm to often chaotic feeling situations.

Built for you, yes YOU!
Our system has been built for you from the very start. We understand the knowledge needed, the documentation needed, and the sea of acronyms you need to navigate. Our system has your back.