Can my child have supervision paid for by both their Self-Determination budget and IHSS?
If your child has supervision paid for by their Self-Determination Program budget, you may wonder if they can also get IHSS hours for protective supervision.
Note that Self-Determination and IHSS are completely separate. Occasionally, you could see the Regional Center saying, "You have all these hours, so you don't need XYZ from this." But the reality is that IHSS protective supervision recognizes the need for 24/7 coverage, but it doesn't provide 24/7 coverage. There are around 720 hours in a month, and protective supervision covers only 195 of them. IHSS and SDP are completely separate as long as nobody's billing time for the same hours; as long as providers aren't overlapping, it shouldn't be an issue. Sometimes, the Regional Center, when you're asking for additional services like respite or personal care, may ask you for a 24-hour schedule because they want to see how your how your week is broken up and how you're divvying that up, but as long as the services don't overlap, you should be okay.
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