Can my young adult use the Promises program to pay for college?
In California, the Promises program can help fund community college for students of all abilities who are entering college for the first time since getting a high school diploma. (Note that 11th grader or 12th graders who took a college class while dual enrolled are not disqualified. It is the first time attending college since getting a high school diploma.) The Promises program pays for community college under several conditions. One of them is that the student must take a full-time course load class, unless the disability office at the college has given an accommodation to take less. Students also have to attend a few seminars through the semester where they talk about study skills and how to stay on top of grades.
The DOR can also be a source for college funding for students with disabilities.
For more information about preparing a student with a disability for college, check out our step-by-step guide for Undivided members:
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