Undivided Resources

Early Intervention: Accomplish More with Undivided Goals

Published: Oct. 7, 2024Updated: Oct. 29, 2024

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If your child is under age 3 and has a developmental disability, or if you are worried about a developmental delay, you'll want to enroll your child in California's Early Start program. This program can help your child access services like physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy to help your child make progress toward their developmental milestones.

The first step is applying to Regional Center, which coordinates services and funding for the Early Start program. Once your child is a Regional Center client, you can enroll them in Medi-Cal, which provides additional funding for medical services, equipment, and supplies for your child's ongoing care. In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) can be another source of funding for services if your child is eligible.

Accessing early intervention

Add these goals to your child's Roadmap to get started accessing early intervention services.
Public Benefits goal
Apply to Regional Center Early Start
Public Benefits goal
Fund early intervention
Public Benefits goal
Apply for the Medi-Cal waiver (HCBS-DD)
Public Benefits goal
Apply for In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) after enrolling in Medi-Cal

Finding therapists for your child

Whether you use Medi-Cal, private insurance, Regional Center, or a combination of programs to fund your child's early intervention therapies, these goals will help you find therapists to build your child's care team.
Care goal
Find a physical therapist (PT)
Care goal
Find an occupational therapist (OT)
Care goal
Find a speech-language pathologist (SLP)



Accessing early intervention

Finding therapists for your child
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