Undivided Resources
Parent Question

How do I partially sign the IEP?

Published: Jan. 8, 2025

If you're a California resident, you may partially sign your child's IEP. On the signature page, you will be given an opportunity to agree or disagree with the IEP entirely, or to agree to some of the components but not to others. If you agree to some aspects of the IEP but disagree with the offer of FAPE; the duration, location, or frequency of a service; the inclusion or omission of an accommodation or modification; or the placement, consider signing a partial agreement.

State the things you agree with; for example, you agree that your child is eligible for an IEP, and you disagree with the goals, services and placement etc. Be very specific.

If you sign a partial agreement, agreeing with most of the IEP but not certain components, the IEP will be implemented while those components will remain on “stay put,” meaning those areas of disagreement will follow whatever is in the previously signed IEP. For example, if you disagree with the district reducing your child’s speech therapy from sixty minutes to thirty minutes, a “stay put” provision will allow them to continue with sixty minutes of speech during the dispute resolution process.

Learn more in our article How to Review Your IEP Before Signing.

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