Our Mission, Priorities, and Process
Our Mission
We’re on a mission to build better systems to support families raising kids with disabilities. We offer:
1:1 support and partnership with parent Navigators;
a web and mobile app that makes it easy to organize, digitize, and share your child’s paperwork from anywhere;
a free, inclusive member community where you can get support and answers on almost any topic from people who’ve been there;
articles (including resource lists, how-tos, and interviews) on the topics that matter most to families like ours; and
weekly member events and office hours with experts.
We are dedicated to supporting the broader community, so we make the majority of our content available to the public through a weekly newsletter and social media.
Our Priorities
We value inclusion, accessibility, and plain language so that everything we publish is open to everyone. We use person-first language that puts the person before the disability, and we avoid functioning labels that obscure a child’s true support needs, strengths, interests, and personality.
To ensure that the information we share is accurate, we consult with leading professionals in the disability field — from special education advocates and lawyers to educators, child psychologists, and advocates with disabilities. And because we understand that answers will often be different for each of us, and that the truth can have more than one side, we speak with more than one source for every article we write.
We aim to give you the knowledge you need to help your kids thrive, with all the support you need to apply that knowledge in whatever way makes the most sense for your family. We want to elevate kids with disabilities and change the way society cares for our families.
Our Process
Many of our articles begin with you — our families. While every one of our kids is unique, they share common joys and challenges. From finding ways to make it easier for a child to get their blood drawn or their teeth cleaned to walking parents through the IEP process step by step, we follow a careful editorial process. Here are some of the things we do to make sure our content maintains consistently high standards:
Before we begin an article, we create a project brief that outlines the questions our families are asking, the experts we will call for information, and the research articles we will use.
Our research department reaches out directly to schools, providers, organizations, and others to verify information before it is shared with you.
We interview more than one source for each article to ensure that our content is unbiased and accurate, and identify those sources so you know where our information comes from.
Before an article is published, we send it back to these experts for review.
We value your input and your feedback. If we get something wrong, we want to know. If there are questions we haven’t answered, we want to know that too. Please stay in touch!
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