Sample Letter to Request an IEE
You know your child best. If the school district performs an IEP assessment and you feel it doesn’t accurately reflect your child’s strengths and needs, an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) can be beneficial. Here’s a sample letter showing how to request an IEE. Keep in mind that it’s best to be brief and to the point; you do not need to explain why you’re requesting the assessment.
Use this Google doc as reference, or review this text for an example of requesting an IEE:
January 28, 2022
To: Ms. Jane Smith, Special Education Specialist
Happy Elementary School
815 Lincoln Ave.
Anytown, CA 90207
RE: Mary Jones: AAC Evaluation
Dear Ms. Smith,
I am writing to request an independent educational evaluation at the district’s expense in the area of AAC as soon as possible. I disagree with the assessment completed by Mr. Alvarez on November 15, 2021.
If you would like to discuss this further with me, please call me at (310) 333-300I or email
Kathy & Thomas Jones
CC: Dr. Fielding, Director of Special Education, Anytown Unified School District
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