Sample Letter to Request Service Logs
Service logs will show you the dates that a provider, such as a speech therapist, worked with your child and for how long. You can compare the minutes logged with your child’s provider against the minutes listed in their IEP to see if they match. Here's a sample letter you can use to request service logs if you have concerns about your child's services.
You can reference this Google doc or review the example text below:
From: Kathy & Thomas Jones
509 Adams Blvd.
Anytown, CA 90207
Date: January 28, 2022
To: Ms. Jane Smith, Special Education Specialist
Happy Elementary School
815 Lincoln Ave.
Anytown, CA 90207
RE: Mary Jones
Dear Ms. Smith,
I am writing to request service logs to be provided for Mary’s speech services with Mr. Alvarez for the school year so far. If you would like to discuss this further with me, please call (310) 333-300I or contact me at
Kathy Jones
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