Should I sign the IEP at the meeting?
The IEP form (in California) is created by a Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA), which describes how each region’s services will be provided; therefore, it looks different in different districts. IEP forms require two different types of signature: one agreeing that you participated in the meeting, which all participants sign, and another stating that the student or parent agrees to the plan. It is always okay to sign the attendance page at every meeting. However, you should wait until you have reviewed the document at home before signing that you agree with your child’s IEP.
Parents can mail or deliver their letter and signature page to the district regardless of whether you send them via email so that you can be 100% sure the documents are received. If delivering in person, make sure the documents are timestamped. For more information about this topic, check out our article How to Review Your IEP Before Signing.
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