What are SELPAs and LEAs?
In California, all school districts and county school offices belong to SELPAs, or Special Education Local Planning Areas, which were formed in 1977 based on geographical region to meet the needs of all California children with disabilities. (There are now over 130 SELPAs in California.) SELPA funding is based on the number of students district-wide, including students with and without disabilities. SELPAs also coordinate with local education agencies (LEAs) to provide assessments, services, and equipment for children with disabilities. SELPAs are responsible for both school-age children with disabilities and children 0–3 in the Early Start program. For school-age children, SELPAs maintain and oversee special education programs and services, and can also provide adaptive equipment and other accommodations and devices that are outlined in a student’s IEP. While equipment purchased through the SELPA belongs to the SELPA and will have to be returned at the end of each school year, it is a valuable way for kids with disabilities to access equipment that may otherwise be difficult to obtain.
For more information, see our article How Do We Pay For It All? Undivided’s Guide to Funding Resources.
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