What is a summary of performance?
Every child who exits from special education must have a summary of performance completed by the school. “A summary of performance is a document that the school must provide before the student leaves the school system, whether it's at 18 or 22,” explains Education Advocate Lisa Carey.
“It's going to summarize their academic and functional performance levels. It should explain the student’s transition needs, and as they're leaving the school system, what their transition needs are. It should be specific and meaningful, and it should be written so the student can understand it. And that is key. Your student needs to be able to understand what it says. So if your child has comprehension concerns or something like that, the school needs to make sure your child can understand it, and it should also make recommendations about how the student might be able to meet their post-secondary goals, so college or employment or independence, whatever they're working on, and it should be reviewed at that final IEP transition meeting that you have.”
This document can guide your family, key people in your child’s life, and agencies like Regional Center and DOR in continuing to help your child achieve their goals after high school is over.
For more information, see our article The Transition to Adulthood.
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