What is an independent facilitator (IF) and how do I find one?
Independent Facilitators (IFs) can play a crucial role in helping Regional Center clients in SDP advocate for their individual needs, make sure services are based on their goals, understand their budget, and develop a spending plan to make sure they have a smooth transition to the Self-Determination Program. However, there are no established regulations for what IFs must provide for clients. Families who are looking to hire an Independent Facilitator need to do their research and make an educated decision based on their needs.
We recommend making sure to get clear answers to these questions when interviewing a potential IF:
- How much do you charge?
- What pieces of Self-Determination do you help with beyond the person-centered plan? (FMS, budget, spending plan, etc.)
- What Regional Centers are you vendored with?
Before getting started with an IF, you may want to have the answers to these questions in writing.
If your preferred Independent Facilitator has a lengthy waiting list, you can put yourself on the list and continue looking. The amount of time spent on a waitlist will vary depending on the IF.
Undivided members have access to our step-by-step guide to enrolling in SDP as well as our list of recommended Independent Facilitators with insights about their availability. If you’re looking for an IF who is vendored with a specific Regional Center, you can always ask our Research team about putting together a report for you.
For more information about SDP, check out our article Frequently Asked Questions about the Self-Determination Program.
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