What is the Home and Community Based Alternatives Waiver (HCBA)?
Medi-Cal can provide in-home nursing, pediatric health day care, waiver personal care services, and IHSS. The Home and Community Based Alternative (HCBA) waiver makes it possible for children who have complex medical care needs to qualify for Medi-Cal in order to access services, even if their family income is over the usual limit to qualify for Medi-Cal.
If your child qualifies for Medi-Cal through the Regional Center waiver, you do not need to enroll in the HCBA waiver. The HCBA waiver is a small program that provides services to children who need access to nursing care at home because they have significant medical care needs and can’t qualify for Regional Center services.
For more information, see our full article Home and Community Based Alternatives Waiver (HCBA) 101.
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