What should I do if I disagree with the IEP?
On the signature page, you will be given an opportunity to agree or disagree with the IEP entirely, or to agree to some of the components but not to others. If you agree to some aspects of the IEP but disagree with the offer of FAPE; the duration, location, or frequency of a service; the inclusion or omission of an accommodation or modification; or the placement, consider signing a partial agreement.
If you sign a partial agreement, agreeing with most of the IEP but not certain components, the IEP will be implemented while those components will remain on “stay put,” meaning those areas of disagreement will follow whatever is in the previously signed IEP. It is important to note specific details in the IEP that you disagree with and why. You can write on the signature page itself, if there is room, or you can write a letter of disagreement that you attach to the document. If you attach a letter, make sure to refer to the letter on the signature page; for example, “see attached letter, dated 11/27/2021.” By indicating that a letter is attached, you can help ensure that it stays with the IEP document and does not get misplaced.
For more information about this topic, check out our article How to Review Your IEP Before Signing.
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