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Assistive Technology (AT) for Writing

Published: Feb. 5, 2025Updated: Feb. 17, 2025

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For kids with disabilities, writing can pose a unique opportunity — and a unique challenge. However, with the development of new assistive technology (AT), parents, educators, and kids can more easily access the world of words.
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How do I know if my child who struggles with writing will benefit from AT?

A child can benefit from AT if they:

  • Have difficulties with functional capabilities such as writing, reading, organizing, studying, listening, and/or accessing the curriculum

  • Are struggling to keep up with the pace of in-class work

Occupational Therapist and Certified Assistive Technology Professional Dr. Elizabeth Pauly tells us that for younger kids in elementary schools struggling with one or more of the above functional capabilities, it’s important to remediate the skills before deferring to an assistive device. "If a student is struggling with handwriting," Dr. Pauly says, "I'm going to provide more intervention targeting handwriting." In some instances, Dr. Pauly will adopt AT or recommend an AT device if the student is still struggling. "There does become a point, though, where some of those things might not be remediating as quickly or [might be remediating] in a way that's dysfunctional," Dr. Pauly says. "So that's when you start adopting. With adopting, you're providing a tool that can be used to keep up."

Dr. Pauly continues, “So handwriting is a really good example. Because if our handwriting is not legible, can we just start typing and demonstrate that I have this knowledge faster? Because if we're stuck on handwriting, and we can't write, but the thoughts are there, all of a sudden, now we're being more independent because [we] can just type now.”

“By providing these adaptations as a tool,” Dr. Pauly says, “the student is able to keep up with their curriculum, which is why we would use assistive technology.”

What kinds of assistive technology are available for writing?

All kinds of AT options exist, ranging from universal tools for everyone, such as Grammarly, to specific apps like Dragon, a dictation software that helps those with dyspraxia speak their words into writing. With no shortage of options, writing is in some ways more accessible than ever before. But of course, in order for any option to be effective, you have to know where to find it and whether it works for you. To learn more about what assistive technology is and how you can implement it in your child’s IEP, check out Assistive Technology (AT) 101.

Multiple AT options can make writing possible and even enjoyable for children to learn. It’s important to remember that some of the apps available are designed specifically for accessibility, and some are designed to teach users content or skills (instructional technology). For example, a text-to-speech app reads words out loud, which allows the user to access the information but doesn’t in and of itself instruct the user. However, an app like Writing Wizard makes typing accessible to kids with a wireless keyboard and specifically designed programs while also teaching kids to type. Many apps do both. It’s also important to remember the importance of including training for the student and all IEP members when AT is added to the IEP.

To break it down and make it easier to find the writing AT that might be right for you and your child, we have created lists broken down by categories and needs.

Low Tech

  • Pencil grips: an old-fashioned, low-tech option, pencil grips can nonetheless make a huge difference for kids who have difficulty gripping a standard pencil for any reason from sensory sensitivity to fine motor challenges. “Everyone in the world whose hand is uncomfortable on [a pencil] wants to be able to do it in a comfortable way,” explains Olds. “So here’s a thing that anyone in your room could try that is a helpful intervention. Pencil grips cost like 10 cents.”

  • Graphic organizers: another classic, graphic organizers allow kids to see their thoughts externalized before they’re expected to synthesize them into one cohesive whole. By breaking down a sentence, paragraph, essay, or story into smaller parts, it can be easier for a child to digest the concept of the complete work. According to research, graphic organizers help students memorize vocabulary and maintain knowledge better than text-only strategies do.

  • Adapted pencils and pens, such as weighted pens, erasable pens, dry erase markers.

  • Adaptive paper such as raised line paper, double lined paper, or wide ruled notebooks.

  • Slant boards or taping paper to the wall to give the student better wrist positioning to write.


Keyboard customization options include built-in options that already exist on your computer and can be activated.

  • Slow Keys: slows down the computer’s recognition of the key press, which allows the user more time to prepare themselves to type the next letter.

  • Toggle Keys: a key must be pressed twice for it to register, which allows users to know they are pressing the correct key.

  • Repeat Keys: users who hold down a key trigger a string of that letter instead of having to press the key multiple times.

  • Filter Keys: the computer ignores key presses if they are seemingly accidental or very quick.

Alternative Keyboards

These are options for keyboards you can purchase that may be more helpful for a student than a computer's built-in keyboard.

  • Helpikeys: this keyboard allows users to customize their keyboard layout, and it can store multiple customized layouts in its software. It also features larger keys and a membrane texture for sensory sensitivity.

  • Ergonomic keyboards: ergonomic means efficiency and comfort, and these keyboards come in a variety of shapes, configurations, and textures to best fit whatever the user feels meets their needs. They likewise come in a wide array of price ranges. In general, ergonomic keyboards tend to be split in half with the keys rotated at an angle.

  • Chorded keyboards: these keyboards are set up similarly to a piano — pressing a combination of keys can create different words, letter configurations, or numbers.

  • Head/mouth stick keyboard: designed for people unable to use their hands, these keyboards allow users to type with their head and jaw movements.

  • Keyguards: a simple device that fits over the keyboard, keyguards help users minimize frustrating accidental key pushes and allow users to rest their hands or wrists on the keyboard without typing.

  • Wireless/mobile keyboard: these keyboards attach to an iPad or laptop via Bluetooth. This allows users to sit further from the screen, lounge, or work in less traditional office or school settings. Some iPad typing games and programs require a mobile keyboard. In our interview with Occupational Therapist Kelsie Olds, she explained that she loves external keyboards. “I love [them] because I have some kids who want to take the keyboard and go sit on the swing and do it while they’re getting some vestibular sensory input and then some kids who want to lie in a beanbag, and you can do that because it’s an external keyboard.” The flexibility allows learners of all types to thrive.

  • Onscreen keyboard: built into most iPads, tablets, and phones, an onscreen keyboard allows users to simply touch the letter and not press a key.

  • Other options: hundreds of keyboard options exist, so if none of these seem like a good fit for you, talk to your child, their teacher, or their occupational therapist to see whether there’s a way typing would feel more natural for them. Odds are, a keyboard is out there that comes closer to a good fit than the traditional QWERTY.


  • SnapType: this app levels the playing field for children struggling to write their homework assignments, essays, or math questions by hand. Using the app, you can take a photo of a worksheet and then type directly onto it. The worksheet can then be submitted digitally or reprinted with the answers typed on.

  • Writing Wizard: occupational therapist Kelsie Olds recommends Writing Wizard in Writing and Kids with Disabilities, so we know it’s used by professionals. This app allows users to trace numbers, letters, and shapes while recording data any time they stray outside the lines. This way, educators, parents, or therapists can look at any logged session to specifically pinpoint where a child might be struggling in letter or number formation. This app also comes in a cursive version for kids who are ready to take the next step.

  • Touch and Write: this is a fun app that encourages users to write with all kinds of things — chalk, markers, and even whipped cream! From the sound effects to the zany backgrounds to the clever story scenarios, kids can have a blast not only tracing and writing letters, but also comparing their versions of a letter to a properly formed letter. You can also add customized word lists to allow users to write about what they’re interested in.

  • Dexteria Jr: for kids who might not quite be ready to form letters yet, this app allows children to practice pinching, swiping, and performing other fine motor skills that build the foundation for letter writing in the future. This game includes both finger and hand exercises.


  • Word Beach: rated for kids four years old and up, this app guides users through word puzzles and spelling exercises while establishing a chill beach setting with music and waves.

  • ABC Spelling — Spell & Phonics: starting with the alphabet and moving into word formation and letter sounds, this game not only teaches kids to spell but also helps them develop early reading skills.

  • Spelling Bee: English Words: Unlike many apps that require users to use either a touchscreen keyboard or a traditional keyboard, this app lets children draw the letters onto the screen. Not only does this feature increase their handwriting ability, it also cements English letter shape and formation for users who are English language learners.

  • Sir Linkalot: this app upends the “repetition leads to learning” approach to spelling and instead allows kids to learn to spell through exposing them to patterns of letter combination — links. This innovative approach is especially effective for children with dysgraphia or dyslexia because it mixes up the learning strategies and keeps kids focused and engaged.

  • Clicker 8 is a literacy support software that uses word prediction, images, speech feedback, and a talking spell checker to support students with learning disabilities, low vision, and more. ($349 for a 3-year license, with option to pay $29.09/month for 12 months).

  • Ginger — This spelling and grammar checker helps improve written English communication and includes a contextual grammar and spell checker, synonyms, translations, and a dictionary. It also provides suggestions for rephrasing text so you can convey messages with more clarity. There’s even an option to save your text for later use, and it syncs across all platforms. (FREE)


Accessibility customization options (Built-in options your computer, iPad, tablet, or phone likely already has that can be activated):

  • Most computers have a speech-to-text function built in. On a Mac, the feature is called Dictation, and it can be found in System Settings > Keyboard menu. For Windows, the similar option is called Voice Access.

  • Cell phones generally also have speech-to-text capabilities. As with Macs, the iPhone function is called Dictation and can be found in the Keyboard menu. The majority of Android phones also have a voice-to-text option that can be found in Settings or through Search.

  • Dragon Anywhere: this high-accuracy app is considered professional-grade and can be used without a time limit or word limit.

  • Just Press Record: this app allows you to record speech, and then it will transcribe it. It will also upload to the cloud.

  • Microsoft Dictate is an AI-enabled add-on that converts speech to text. It has been integrated into Office 365 and Windows 10 and is available to all users of those platforms.

  • Co-writer is a Google Chrome extension that can assist students with speech and language disabilities. ($4.99/month)

  • VoiceIn Voice Typing is Dictanote’s speech-to-text software, made available in a handy Google Chrome extension. This extension is available in 40 languages and can be used for email dictation, voice typing, and even practicing language pronunciation. (FREE)

  • Otter.ai records audio and automatically takes notes in real time, so that students can focus on the discussion.

  • Maestra is a real-time transcription tool available in multiple languages.


Although text-to-speech options might at first glance seem more fit for reading than writing, the ability to hear words being spoken while reading them can greatly contribute to writing success, according to the University of Chapel Hill North Carolina’s Writing Center. With that in mind, here are some simple, accessible text-to-speech apps and options.

  • iPhones and Macs have an internal text-to-speech feature.

    • For iPhone: open Settings > Accessibility > Spoken Content. From there, you can choose to activate Speak Selection, which will populate a Speak button any time text is selected. You can also activate Speak Screen, which will read the content of the screen if you swipe down with two fingers from the top.

    • For Mac: open System Settings > Accessibility > Spoken Content. From there, click the Speak Selection option. This option activates the keyboard shortcut Opt-Esc. When you press Opt-Esc, any selected text or the entirety of the current document will be read out loud. On most Macs, the text being read is highlighted, so that users can follow along.

  • The vast majority of Microsoft computers and Android phones also have built-in text-to-speech features that can be activated based on the individual computer or phone.

  • Balabolka: designed for Windows, this text-to-speech app is free and works on any document. It comes with a limited variety of preset voices, but users can also add their own selections. Fun fact: Balabolka is Russian for “chatterer.”

  • Text-to-speech (TTS) systems are especially helpful for students who need assistance with learning, attention, and organization. TTS lets you see text and hear it read aloud at the same time. TTS software may be free if it’s built into a mobile phone, tablet, or other device.

  • Read Aloud: A Text-to-Speech Voice Reader can be used as an extension in both Google Chrome and Firefox and will read out loud any text with one click. It can be activated by clicking the Read Aloud icon on the Chrome menu, using shortcut keys, or selecting the text you want to be read aloud. There are many different voices to choose from, and reading speed and pitch can also be adjusted. (In-app purchases range from $0.99 to $2.99 per item)

  • Read&Write for Google Chrome allows the user to personalize documents, webpages, and files in Google Drive to be more accessible. Features include text-to-speech with dual-color highlighting, text and visual dictionaries, dictation, predictive text, collective highlighting, voice notes, and distraction-free ad removal. (FREE 30-day trial, then $145.00 per year for a single license)

  • Announcify is a Google Chrome extension that allows the user to hear text read aloud without needing to highlight the text. It displays the text in a more readable format and grays out all surrounding text to allow for more clarity. The user can set the voice that reads the text, along with speed and pitch. (FREE)

  • Snap&Read is a multifunctional app that allows students to have both accessible and inaccessible text read aloud. It also levels vocabulary for comprehension and offers translation services. It is accessible through Google Chrome, iPad, Microsoft Edge, Kindle Cloud Reader, Bookshare, and any online document or PDF. (FREE trial; $60/year for individual access)

  • Microsoft’s Immersive Reader reads text aloud (in multiple languages) and improves learning especially for students with dyslexia and dysgraphia. It can also be used as a Google Chrome extension. (FREE)

  • The Livescribe Echo 2 smart pen acts as an all-in-one microphone, speaker, and storage device. ($149.95)

  • Speechify uses natural (not robotic!) voices to read aloud virtually anything online or otherwise. Users can take a photo of a sign, poster, book page, print-out, etc., and Speechify will read it. (FREE; paid premium plans available)

  • Voice Dream helps turn text into speech so readers can have an easier time understanding information

  • ReadSpeaker offers a range of powerful text-to-speech solutions for instantly deploying lifelike, tailored voice interaction in any environment.

  • Seeing AI – A free app that narrates the world around you, describing people, objects, scenes and text. This app is fully accessible with VoiceOver.

  • Point and Speak via the Apple Magnifier app — Use the Magnifier app to aim your iPhone camera at nearby text and have it spoken out loud. You can even point your finger at the specific text you want spoken.

  • Visual intelligence with Camera Control on iPhone – You can use visual intelligence with Camera Control to quickly learn more about the places and objects around you. Just click and hold the Camera Control to do things like look up details about a restaurant or business, have text translated, summarized, or read aloud, and more.

  • Story Builder – Designed to help children learn to write stories, Story Builder utilizes audio clips to improve auditory processing abilities. The app is made to help kids with focus, flexibility, organization, and writing.

Like all technology, AT is constantly progressing and improving. Remember to talk to your child, as they too progress and improve, about what AT works for them or what new options they might want to try. Find more about writing in our article Writing and Kids with Disabilities.

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How do I know if my child who struggles with writing will benefit from AT?

What kinds of assistive technology are available for writing?
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Grace HansenWriter

Grace is a lawyer, teacher, and writer. She received her bachelor’s degree in communication in her home state of Idaho and then went on to obtain a law degree, studying at St. John’s University in New York City and Brigham Young University in Utah. After completing an honors internship with the FBI, graduating with her Juris Doctor, and passing the bar, Grace practiced as a prosecuting attorney for the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes before deciding that the impact she believed in the most happened not in the courtroom but in the classroom. Grace transitioned her career from law to education, and she taught English, history, and AP Literature at a public high school. Currently, Grace is a freelance journalist and tutor based in Los Angeles.

Reviewed by

  • Adelina Sarkisyan, Undivided Content Editor and Writer
  • Cathleen Small, Editor


  • Dr. Elizabeth Pauly, Occupational Therapist and Certified Assistive Technology Professional
  • Kelsie Olds, MOT, OTR/L, occupational therapist
  • Toby Tomlinson Baker, PhD, Los Angeles Unified School District Special Education Specialist, author of The Traveling IEP and professor at California State University, Los Angeles

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