Sample Bullying or Discrimination Gebser Letter
If your child is being discriminated against or bullied and their teacher hasn’t taken action, write a letter to the district superintendent, principal, and/or school board members. This sample letter, sometimes known as a Gebser letter, advises you to outline the other students’ behavior, any action taken by the teacher, and the school authorities’ responsibility under the law to protect your child. You can also include in the letter your suggestions for a solution.
Use this Google doc as a reference for your letter, or review the example text below:
From: Kathy Jones
509 Adams Blvd.
Anytown, CA 90207
Date: January 20, 2022
To: Dr. Henry Morrison, Superintendent
Anytown Unified School District
Washington Blvd.
Anytown, CA 90207
Copy to Principal Sandra Martinez, Board of Education President Edward Smith, Board Member Faith Perez, Board Member Anne Wilkinson, Board Member David Holland, and Board Member Nicholas Dufflin.
RE: Mary Jones, second grade, Happy Elementary School
Dear Dr. Morrison,
My daughter Mary Jones is a student with a disability attending Happy Elementary School in AUSD. Mary is being bullied nearly every day at school, and it prevents her from participating in school. She is scared to go to the bathroom and has asked to stay home from school to avoid her bully.
Mary reported to her teacher, Mrs. Williams, that her classmate Erica Jackson took her backpack and emptied the contents and stomped on it on January 7. On January 12, Erica volunteered to be Mary’s bathroom buddy, and when they got to the bathroom, Erica held Mary by her clothing and tried to put her head in the toilet. Mary is so scared about Erica accompanying her to the bathroom that she tries to hold it in all day. Mary says that on many other occasions, Erica and another child, Debbie, have called her names, pushed her, and bumped her so that she falls over in line.
I spoke to Mrs. Wiliams about the girls' behavior on the phone on January 13. Mrs. Williams felt this was “just girl drama” and that they would all be friends again next week. However, I feel it is time for the school to intervene. Ignoring this bullying is discriminating against Mary and preventing her from accessing a public education.
Anytown Unified School District receives federal funds and therefore has a duty not to discriminate. As Superintendent, you have the authority to investigate and correct this discrimination. You have control over the site of the bullying and the personnel where the bullying occurs.
I request that you protect Mary by removing Erica Jackson to a different class and by ensuring that Mary is never left alone with either Erica or Debbie. If you take no action to remedy this problem, we may claim that you and the district are deliberately indifferent to the discrimination, and you may be liable personally for damages if we take legal action.
Your school handbook states on page 33, “Under no circumstances will vandalism, violence, destructive acts, intimidation, extortion, harassment, malicious disturbance, or other violations of the law be tolerated, condoned, or excused. Immediate steps will be taken to discipline any students involved in behavior that violates state law and/or district policies or school rules.” In Mary’s case, the school has failed to take any action. Please provide me with a copy of your grievance procedure under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Please place this letter in Mary’s cumulative file.
I expect written notification from you within ten days detailing when I can expect the investigation to be complete and what steps you will be taking. If you would like to discuss this further with me, please call (555) 555-5555 or contact me at
Thank you for your assistance.
Kathy Jones
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