Sample Letter to Request Specific Assessment, Such as Evaluation for AAC
As a parent, you can request an assessment of your child at any time. If you have a specific area of concern, such as AAC, you can write a brief letter to the school’s special education specialist or therapist requesting an evaluation or assessment.
You can use this Google doc as reference or review the text below as an example:
January 28, 2022
To: Ms. Jane Smith, Special Education Specialist
Happy Elementary School
815 Lincoln Ave.
Anytown, CA 90207
CC: Mr. Joe Alvarez, SLP
RE: Mary Jones
Dear Ms. Smith,
I am writing to request an evaluation for Mary in the area of AAC as soon as possible.
I am concerned that Mary is still only speaking a limited vocabulary. I think her receptive language is much more than her expressive language. Even when she is trying to say words, it is very difficult to understand her. I think that an AAC device might open up a lot of opportunities for her to express herself and reduce some of her frustration.
Please send home an evaluation consent form. If you would like to discuss this further with me, please call (310) 333-300I or contact me at
Kathy Jones
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