What is ERICS?
Under IDEA, intensive counseling as a related service is a necessary service for a student to benefit from their special education program. These can include assessment of needs for intensive counseling services, crisis intervention within the educational setting, outpatient counseling, therapeutic learning class placements, case management, parent consultation, and/or residential placement recommendations. In California, this is often called Educationally Related Intensive Counseling Services (ERICS) — formerly called Educationally Related Mental Health Services, or ERMHS — and are considered for students whose social-emotional needs directly affect their ability to benefit from special education.
Services are measured by assessments in the area of socio-emotional performance, student’s progress on goals and objectives, their grades and attendance, and other measures. ERICS is usually for students with severe behavioral and emotional symptomatology, and is often the last effort to prevent the need for a more restrictive environment. Parents can request an assessment for ERICS or ERMHS if the student isn’t benefiting from other interventions or supports, such as school-based counseling, behavioral intervention support, socio-emotional learning opportunities, referrals for services in the community, etc.
For more information, see our full article How IEPs and 504 Plans Help Support Mental Health in School.
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