
Self-Care for Parents



It’s not uncommon for parents to spend so much time juggling OT, PT, IEPs, doctor’s visits, and other immediate needs that we don’t take time to check in on how we’re feeling. Here are some resources that help caregivers fill their own cups.

When will I have time for self-care?

We understand how challenging it can be to manage your child’s care and also find time for your own needs. It’s a good idea to schedule time for activities that support your physical, mental, and emotional health. Check out this advice from Dr. Rita Eichenstein with a long list of resources for self-care during stressful times.



When will I have time for self-care?

How can I manage stress and anxiety as a parent?

Related Parent Questions

What kind of self-care should I be doing as a parent?
Physical health includes getting enough sleep, nutrition, and physical activity. Mental health means reducing stress, finding ways to relax, and making time for things you want to do. Emotional health includes having enough time for companionship, working through feelings, and having support.
How can I help my family deal with stress and anxiety?
Paying attention to what’s going on in your body is in service of being present for our families. When we’re feeling calmer and better, we can transmit that to our children. We can teach them how to do it. Say, ‘Let’s take a moment, let’s stop, let’s breathe."
How can I help my child manage overwhelming feelings?
Validating your child’s feelings makes them feel heard and understood. It will never be perfect, but there is always room to rectify the situation and show your child how to recognize and correct mistakes.

Related Topic Decoders

Family Life
Therapy at Home
Mental Health
New Diagnosis
Supporting Therapies and Education at Home

Latest Resources



Brittany OlsenUndivided Editor

An editor and cartoonist who loves using words and images to simplify and share ideas. She has ten years of experience as a copy editor and lives near Portland, Oregon. She often spends her free time going on nature walks with her dog or trying new bread recipes.

Reviewed by

Jennifer Drew, Undivided Senior Editor

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